
Some dates for JASPAR

19th century (1842), creation of the Ateliers Joseph JASPAR workshops;

1920, Creation of 3 departments: Lifts, Machine Tools and Industrial Valves;

1961, integration as part of the Westinghouse Group producing lifts and valves: Jaspar was a key player at the beginning of nuclear energy: NOK in Switzerland, ZORITA in Spain, CHOOZ A in France;

1970, integration as part of the SAPAG Group of the valve department of Westinghouse – Constitution of Robinetterie JASPAR S.A. (JASPAR Valves & Co.) with the objective of the nuclear market;

1987, following the halt in nuclear energy in Belgium, regrouping of the 3 companies and the constitution of JASPAR Maintenance;

1997, Constitution of JASPAR Valves and Maintenance S.A.;

End of 2003: JASPAR joins RISTERM in the VERSILIA Group;

2012: JASPAR is integrated as part of TECHNEM.


The TECHNEM Group supplies complete fluid technology solutions: valves, tanks, piping, gas pressure-reducing and metering stations, etc.


JASPAR, member of AGORIA



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