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JASPAR Valves are renowned for their robustness and the quality of their execution.

Our “standard” range covers all common diameters from 10mm to 600mm diameter, whether with bolted cover or with pressure seal, flange or weld ends. JASPAR has a quality assurance system in compliance with ASME and RCC-M codes.


Our range

Parallel seat valves with electric motor - gd format.png

Parallel seat valves

Clapet anti-retour.jpg

Check valves

Vannes de régulation.png

Control valves

Globe valves ou robinet a soupape.png

Globe valves

Vannes a boule motorisation pneumatique double effet.png

Ball valves

Presse de test hydro avec vannes a sieges paralleles.png

Valves accessories

Some of our achievements

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